Research Tips for Future Masters and PhDs

Higher education comes with a plethora of new experiences and obligations. Thus, college and university students can learn all the perks of studentship by following their syllabuses and going to sorority parties. Yet, at the same time, they will need to deal with loads of writing assignments. Besides, tertiary institution attendees encounter a wide variety of educational tasks. One of the most frequently designated of them is a research paper.

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5 Ways To Avoid Virus From Coming In Your Apartment

When the COVID-19 pandemic struck the globe, people had to change their daily lives. During the initial onset, numerous private and public businesses closed down their operations and the economy slowed. People are required to stay at home and keep themselves safe while infected individuals are battling against the disease. Health experts are still formulating a safe, effective vaccine and many countries still haven't flattened their epidemic curve.

To observe safety from COVID-19, health organizations and government units provided various preventative measures and restrictions. One of these restrictions involves social or physical distancing, which refers to keeping a safe distance of at least one meter from one another.

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  1921 Hits

8 Ways To Prepare Yourself To Quality For International Scholarships

Despite several reasons why you should study abroad, many people believe that studying in a foreign country is impossible, especially if you have no money to fund your education. However, this is a common misconception among many aspiring international students. Luckily, studying abroad doesn't need to be expensive. There are hundreds to thousands of scholarship grants that any interested student can avail of.

However, just like your entrance examinations, getting an international scholarship requires a lot of preparation to qualify. Fortunately, many ways can help you prepare for this undertaking. So, keep reading this article to learn some ways to prepare yourself to qualify for international scholarships.

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10 Tips for Remote Work While Traveling Abroad

Many people dream to travel and work remotely. The brave ones achieve those dreams. They head off into the world, exploring new countries and exotic cultures. But they don't leave things to chance. Brave dreamers also know how to plan. They make sure to work while traveling, so they could make their nomadic lifestyle sustainable.

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  1441 Hits

What You Need to Know to Study for a Master’s Degree in Spain

Spain is a top destination for international postgraduate students. About 50,000 international master's degree students go to Spain every year, according to The country is on the leading edge in many fields, and some of its higher education institutions were established in the 13th century.

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How Social Media Can Help You Save Money While Traveling

What would you do if you had a million dollars? Most of the people would quit their job and travel around the world because it is arguably the best experience one can have. If you have found this article, you share this position as well. Welcome, a fellow fan of travel, we are going to share some good tips on how to travel cheaper in this article.

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  4914 Hits

First Time Backpacking In Southeast Asia? Here's How To Survive!

The feeling of freedom that follows a backpacker's lifestyle is attractive to more and more people. People need a break, but at the same time, backpacking can sound overwhelming when traveling to destinations with a different lifestyle, customs, culture... In this article, I would cover actionable tips on how to overcome the fear of backpacking in the region that's probably one of the most popular destinations for backpackers.

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  4543 Hits

How to Prepare for a New Academic Year Abroad

Did you decide to study abroad? That's a huge challenge! It makes you excited, but scared at the same time. You can't just keep relaxing until the day of your flight comes. You have some things to prepare, but you mainly need to prepare yourself.

We'll give you tips on how to prepare for a new year of your education abroad.

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  6180 Hits

6 Tips to Choose the Right Course for Study Abroad

 When you're studying abroad, there are lots of things to be careful about. You're careful who you hang out with, you're trying to see as many sights as possible and learn as much as possible while you're there. You have to become the master of budgeting, too. Before you get to those worries, you have a more important one on your mind: what program do you choose? There are few things to consider:

  • Does that course fit into your vision for the future?
  • Will it be useful in the country where you intend to work?
  • Will it be fun?
  • And, finally: is it the right choice for you?
  • We'll give you 6 simple tips that help you choose the right course for your studies abroad.
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  3984 Hits

Six Tips for Coping with Expat Stress

Whether you've been offered a job abroad, have chosen to settle down in a new country, or are following a partner's job, the expat life can be pretty stressful. Adventure and discovery can go hand-in-hand with culture shock and loneliness, and with all that change and transition stress is inevitable. While many would not choose to give up on living in another country, dealing with the pressure of setting up somewhere new is incredibly important in order to make the venture a success.

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  4213 Hits

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