Ultimate Guide to Writing a Study Abroad Scholarship Essay 

It's no secret that young people can study abroad for free today. For example, if they speak the state language of the country in which they intend to study and have chosen a state university, or they have successfully passed the competitive selection and received a scholarship. Grants and scholarships to study abroad partially or fully cover the c...

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  2267 Hits

How to Ace Your Nutritional Therapy Exams

Over the past five years, America has seen over 14 million students enrol in various higher learning programs each year.

The goal of each student is to get through their course successfully, pass their exams and graduate into the job market.

For some, this is easier said than done, as things do not always go as planned.

Are you wondering how to ace your nutritional therapy exams and get started on your career? Here are a few tips to increase your chances of success.

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  2008 Hits

10 Reasons Why You Should Study Abroad

Studying abroad is one of the most life-changing experiences a student can have. Students don't only get a valued certificate from one of the major colleges but also learn to cope with life.

Studying abroad can be extremely rewarding, but proper preparation and knowing what to expect is key to an enriching outcome.

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  3333 Hits

What to Look for in Living Arrangements When Studying Abroad

It is becoming increasingly popular to study abroad, at least for one term, and that is why so many students are concerned with finding the right living arrangements. Few really want to live in campus dorms, so they seek residential arrangements off campus. If you are currently looking at studying in Portugal, for example, you want the best student accommodation Portugal has to offer.

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  6767 Hits

11 Essential Things to Know Before Taking a Decision to Enter a College Abroad

There is nothing that establishes a student's independence than the desire to study abroad. It also provides students with the opportunity to get a well-rounded education while exploring and immersing themselves in a different culture altogether.

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  3242 Hits

Study Abroad: First Week Survival Kit

Studying abroad comes with various challenges. However, there are some tips that can help you sail through the first week with ease. The following is a first-week survival kit for those going to study abroad.

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  3191 Hits

How to Write an Outstanding Study Abroad Application Essay

The study abroad application essay is an important part of the college application process.It is a great opportunity to provide valuable information about yourself and your career interests. The content is significant because it gives insight on why you should be selected for a program or school.It provides why you want to participate in the program and why you are the best candidate.Completing the assignment is easy when planning ahead. Here are the basics to help you get started.

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  8166 Hits

How You Can Best Balance School And Work Abroad

When going abroad to work and study, you understand it won't be a chill-out. It's a big step out of your comfort zone: no family and friends nearby, alien environment, cultural and language barriers, and the ugly feeling of most non-natives that they have to prove themselves all the time.

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  3435 Hits

Travel Programs for College Students: Pros and Cons

You have probably heard that around 60% of companies consider that students who studied abroad are a better fit for the position. Moreover, around the same number of employers trust young people with such a background with more responsibilities.

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  5236 Hits

6 Tips to Choose the Right Course for Study Abroad

 When you're studying abroad, there are lots of things to be careful about. You're careful who you hang out with, you're trying to see as many sights as possible and learn as much as possible while you're there. You have to become the master of budgeting, too. Before you get to those worries, you have a more important one on your mind: what program do you choose? There are few things to consider:

  • Does that course fit into your vision for the future?
  • Will it be useful in the country where you intend to work?
  • Will it be fun?
  • And, finally: is it the right choice for you?
  • We'll give you 6 simple tips that help you choose the right course for your studies abroad.
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  3984 Hits

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