5 Ways College Students Can Make Money

What are the best ways a student can make money? It is no secret that college students often need to earn money from a small business. There are always materials for schools, nice clothes, extra pocket money, student loan debts, and other financial burdens that eat into a student's pocket. Money is an essential factor for any student's wellbeing. And a lot of college students are always looking for a way to earn extra income without messing up with school.

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Main Reasons Why Every Student Needs Help With Essay Writing

  Essay writing is fundamental in the academic career of students for various reasons. Not only does it help exhibit their creativity and critical thinking abilities but it also helps test their writing skills.

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10 Reasons Why You Should Study Abroad

Studying abroad is one of the most life-changing experiences a student can have. Students don't only get a valued certificate from one of the major colleges but also learn to cope with life.

Studying abroad can be extremely rewarding, but proper preparation and knowing what to expect is key to an enriching outcome.

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How to Find a High-Paying Job For Students Abroad

Getting the best summer jobs for college students abroad is possible with the right information and guidance. Sometimes allowance from mom and dad might not just be enough, and you need to make some extra cash to fund leisure activities, travel and foot some extra bills. If you have been contemplating the idea of working while studying, don't think it's weird, a lot of other international student take up employment during their studies. You can get this job during summer break or even as a normal after school past time.

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How Students Can Save Money Abroad

If you're a student or the parent of a student preparing for a trip abroad, chances are you've read up on all of the basic money-saving tips. You know to be mindful of exchange rates, to keep cash stored in several places rather than just one, and to try not to have to withdraw much money at foreign ATMs that will have significant fees.

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11 Essential Things to Know Before Taking a Decision to Enter a College Abroad

There is nothing that establishes a student's independence than the desire to study abroad. It also provides students with the opportunity to get a well-rounded education while exploring and immersing themselves in a different culture altogether.

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5 Things to Do When Preparing to Become an Exchange Student

More students than ever are reaping the benefits of studying abroad. Whether they're studying from a remote location, exchanging places with a student from another family, or simply taking international classes, a study abroad experience provides opportunities to learn about other cultures from a first-hand level. However, there are some things students should do to prepare for their big adventure. Follow these five tips before you start your time as an exchange student across the world.

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10 International Scholarships For Middle Eastern Students to Study Abroad

Attending university will always be expensive, and that goes doubly so if you're looking to study in the UK. However, help is at hand. There's a lot of scholarships you can apply for, and with a little bit of effort you can help boost your bank account before you go. These ten scholarships are all provided commercially, rather than through universi...

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7 Benefits of Volunteering While Studying Abroad

You accept a huge challenge when you decide to study abroad. The environment is completely new to you. You have to meet new people, make friends, and start getting around the city like a natural. Let's not forget the studying. You're part of an entirely different educational system. The program is not necessarily harder than the one you faced back home, but the differences are confusing.

Why would you choose to volunteer on top of all this? Wouldn't the additional workload be too much? On the contrary. A volunteering opportunity will broaden your perspectives. It will make you a more aware individual. You'll get tons of benefits if you decide to volunteer while studying abroad. We'll list 7 of them. 

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Infographic: Expansion of International Students in the US

The rate of international students studying at US universities has been on a steady rise. With the development of powerful economies and businesses overseas, especially in China, this newfound wealth has led to parents willing and interested in sending their children to top schools for further opportunities. The development of facilitating study abroad offices in affiliated worldwide universities has also contributed to this growth of internation...

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