Infographic: 24 Strange Things You Probably Didn’t Know About China

China is a vast and fascinating country. It is rich in history and culture with Beijing alone being home to seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites. It is definitely an interesting place to visit. China is one of the most populous countries in the world and with a huge landmass; we’re talking about a large swath of the world. Still unsure about how this number of people translates into situations in daily life? In China:  80 billion chopsticks—or ...

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Infographic: Expansion of International Students in the US

The rate of international students studying at US universities has been on a steady rise. With the development of powerful economies and businesses overseas, especially in China, this newfound wealth has led to parents willing and interested in sending their children to top schools for further opportunities. The development of facilitating study abroad offices in affiliated worldwide universities has also contributed to this growth of internation...

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