101 fun Things to do in Beijing!

Here is our list of 101 fun things that you can do and see in Beijing . If you ever feel bored here, it's not because Beijing is a boring city, maybe you just don't know what to do!

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  4383 Hits

One day, in Beijing…

One day you wake up and find yourself in the capital of the Middle Kingdom, Beijing. You find it hard to believe that you are now in the center of what will soon become the strongest economy in the world. However, despite this new world that you are living in, it seems many people here are still living in the old world. You find people washing thei...

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  3419 Hits

Infographic: 24 Strange Things You Probably Didn’t Know About China

China is a vast and fascinating country. It is rich in history and culture with Beijing alone being home to seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites. It is definitely an interesting place to visit. China is one of the most populous countries in the world and with a huge landmass; we’re talking about a large swath of the world. Still unsure about how this number of people translates into situations in daily life? In China:  80 billion chopsticks—or ...

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  5025 Hits

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