Earning an Online Degree While Living Abroad: Is It a Smart Choice for Expats?

In today's ever-changing, always competitive job market, people on the move or living in another country must grab every opportunity to make themselves as valued and employable as possible. Expats must continuously sharpen their skills and fast and effectively adjust to the new market requirements. Going back to school is the most obvious way for career advancement, but for many expats, that might be challenging.

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What to Look for in Living Arrangements When Studying Abroad

It is becoming increasingly popular to study abroad, at least for one term, and that is why so many students are concerned with finding the right living arrangements. Few really want to live in campus dorms, so they seek residential arrangements off campus. If you are currently looking at studying in Portugal, for example, you want the best student accommodation Portugal has to offer.

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How Much Does it Cost to Live in Adelaide for One Month?

Adelaide is an oft-forgotten capital in Australia, but that is not to say that it is forgettable. Look on pretty much any list rating world city livability, and Adelaide will surely be somewhere near the top. In fact, it was voted "Most Livable City in Australia" in 2011 by the Property Council of Australia. The city was founded with cultural and r...

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  5025 Hits

How Much Does It Cost to Live in Brisbane for One Month?

Brisbane, state capital of Queensland, has a lot going for it. Nestled on the banks of the wide and meandering ‘Brisbane River’, the city enjoys a fantastic climate with hot, if rather humid, summers and warm winters. It has beautiful parks and some important historic buildings and structures including ‘Story Bridge’, designed by the architect responsible for the ‘Sydney Harbor Bridge’.  Over the last few years Brisbane has built a reputatio...

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How Much Does it Cost to Live in Gold Coast for One Month?

Gold Coast is a city that truly earned its name. Escaped convicts used to hide in the area, back when the region was settled mostly by penal colonies. Red Cedar forests attracted the industrious in the mid-nineteenth century, and by 1875, the wealthiest residents of nearby Brisbane were coming to the beaches on holiday. Before Gold Coast was officially established, it was a number of communities that eventually became incorporated into the town o...

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What To Expect From Life In The Bay Of Plenty

Moving to the Bay of Plenty to live is something that can offer some significant challenges and can also deliver some great rewards, and whether you are moving a short distance or from another country, life in the region certainly has its own flavor. With a beautiful coastline that ranges from sandy beaches to rocky shoreline, and some wonderful natural scenes inland too, this is certainly a great place to live if you are looking to find a balanc...

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What To Expect When Living In Spain

The wonderful climate and the excellent food has meant that many people dream of having the opportunity to live and work in Spain, along with the large numbers of people who have chosen to retire to this beautiful country. However, Spain is a country that suffered significantly during the recession caused by the financial collapse in 2008, and in many ways it is still recovering and finding its feet again. There are many differences that you...

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How much does it cost to live in Montgomery for one month?

Montgomery is not only Alabama’s state capital and the place of the world’s first electric trolley system, but its also known for its contribution to jazz, rock, country and blues music. A nostalgic town with the charm of yesteryear, it’s a slower pace here and that’s alright in this part of the States.  The city exudes Southern hospitality whether you’re walking along the banks of the Alabama River viewing its grand, historical buildings, o...

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How Much Does it Cost to Live in Sydney for One Month?

Sydney is a bustling and vibrant metropolis, making it a destination for many globetrotters.  Beginning with the aboriginal tribes that once inhabited the land, to the penal colony the laid down the foundation for the city we know today, Sydney is rich with cultural history. The region is characterized by its humid subtropical climate, making it ideal to visit any time of the year. There’s always something to do or see in Sydney. The cost of...

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The cost of living in Dublin for one month

The River Liffey is at the heart of Dublin, capital of the Republic of Ireland. The paths that hug its banks offer places to wander, cycle and contemplate. Set just back from its waters, to the west of the city centre, is the main brewery for Ireland’s most famous tipple: Guinness. It is estimated that ten million glasses of the dark draft, with a creamy white top, are sold around the world every day. But Dublin has a lot more to offer than just ...

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