How 2 People I Met in Thailand Changed My Life

I was a stranger to solo backpacking until 3 years ago and it changed my life. It transformed my view of who people were around the world and who I was. It pushed me to talk to people who I would have been too scared to and it pushed me to my limits and made me a more compassionate person. Ever since my backpacking trip after my college graduation,...

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  5997 Hits

How Not to Explore Thailand by Scooter

I haven't been on a scooter, moped, dirt bike, or other fuel-propelled two-wheeled machine since I ran into a tree at a friend’s birthday party in fifth grade, but no matter. My partner and her brother are confident I can learn as I go. We want to explore Koh Tao from one end of the island to another. Rural Thailand roads aren’t crowded. Rentals are cheap. How hard can it be? I rent a basic automatic scooter – a Honda “Scoopy” on the menu of bike...

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  7506 Hits

What Not To Do In Thailand

The internet is overflowing with articles about Thailand, one of the hottest destinations in the world for traveling, working, and teaching English abroad. Millions of foreigners flock to the country every year for the infamous beach parties, tropical island get-a-ways, elephant rides, and Bangkok nightlife. Just last year, Bangkok was rated the most visited city, and over 26.5 million people visited the country overall. For anyone looking t...

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  7653 Hits

The Bangkok Night Bus - Heading North

If you’ve been researching about your upcoming trip to Thailand, you’ll have learned about the Bangkok night bus. Perhaps you’re looking to save money, or maybe you’re trying to get somewhere over night so that you can make the most of your days in this special country, or perhaps its your only option because the train isn’t running. Whatever reason you’re choosing this land transit path, there are a few nuggets of wisdom that you should hea...

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  6762 Hits

The Festival of Sky Lights: The Yi Peng Festival in Thailand

A magical exhalation of thousands of paper lanterns rising up onto a pitch-black canvas of the night sky, while a full moon knowingly hovers as a shining pearl in the heavens- this is the experience you will witness if you attend the coveted Yi Peng festival, in Chiang Mai, in Northern Thailand. Many brochures and travel books about Thailand feature images of this stunning event, but it isn’t until you actually attend the festival yourself that y...

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  9689 Hits

10 Places to Visit in Thailand

There is the idyllic image of Thailand people have. Perhaps you know the one I am talking about? The long tail boats seemingly levitating above crystal clear water and a bed of white sand, surrounded by lush, tree-covered islands jutting, stabbing out of the water and reaching up towards the blue sky above. But, that is just one image of Thailand. One idea that travelers visiting the Land of Smiles can expect. So, gorgeous landscapes and dre...

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  4008 Hits

A Practical Guide for Moving to Thailand

Thailand is the not only the land of smiles, but of warm weather, a tropical climate, and delicious food, not to mention beautiful beaches, vibrant cities, and lush green jungles. No wonder Thailand with its affordable lifestyle attracts so many expats, many of whom are digital nomads, teachers, and students.  Are you considering a move to Thailand? The following is a practical guide to help you on your way:   Thailand at a Glance ...

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  4534 Hits

15 Things Only People Who Live in Southeast Asia Understand

Perhaps you’re teaching or studying abroad in Vietnam, happen to be a digital nomad in Thailand, work at a hostel in Thailand or lead SCUBA dives in Indonesia. Whatever you may do and wherever you may be, Southeast Asia is your new home. The following are things that only people who live (or have spent a lot of time in) Southeast Asia can understand:    1) Shoes DO NOT Go Indoors You don’t wear nice shoes out, because you...

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  11113 Hits

10 Reasons to Love Thailand

When people ask me why I love Thailand, it’s hard to think of reasons why not to love Thailand. I mean, what’s not to love about a tropical paradise with some of the friendliest people in the world? What’s not to love about hot pink taxicabs and colorful tuk tuks? About delicious cuisine and a relaxed lifestyle?  After living in Thailand for nearly one year, I still yearn to return again and again. It’s as if I want to crawl every corner, just to...

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  14679 Hits

Teach Abroad in Thailand

The Kingdom of Thailand, one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, has many English teaching positions available. If you are interested in experiencing a lively culture in a tropical climate with tasty cuisine and stunning scenery, teaching abroad in Thailand is right for you. Imagine instructing a classroom full of eager, energetic students during the week, and then off to experience the incredible nightlife in Bangkok over the ...

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  6092 Hits

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