10 Places to Visit in Thailand

There is the idyllic image of Thailand people have. Perhaps you know the one I am talking about? The long tail boats seemingly levitating above crystal clear water and a bed of white sand, surrounded by lush, tree-covered islands jutting, stabbing out of the water and reaching up towards the blue sky above. But, that is just one image of Thailand. One idea that travelers visiting the Land of Smiles can expect. So, gorgeous landscapes and dre...

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5 Must-Dos in Bangkok, Thailand

So you’re planning a trip to Thailand, and you inevitably have to land in Bangkok. You’re considering skipping it altogether and hopping the next flight to Koh Samui or Chang Mai, but something keeps nagging and says, “Maybe you should check out Bangkok.”  That nagging feeling is right.  Though many chock it up to just another big city, Bangkok has a lot going for it. It is a metropolis that is far different from the rest of the country...

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10 Reasons to Love Thailand

When people ask me why I love Thailand, it’s hard to think of reasons why not to love Thailand. I mean, what’s not to love about a tropical paradise with some of the friendliest people in the world? What’s not to love about hot pink taxicabs and colorful tuk tuks? About delicious cuisine and a relaxed lifestyle?  After living in Thailand for nearly one year, I still yearn to return again and again. It’s as if I want to crawl every corner, just to...

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