From Panama to Colombia: A Guide to Traveling Between North and South America

While planning to travel from North America to South America, it is easy to look at a map of the area and assume that the journey from Panama to Colombia is as easy as catching a short bus ride. While the 29,000-mile Pan-American Highway stretches all the way from Alaska to Argentina, there is just one 100-mile section that is not passable by any vehicle. This swath of rather dangerous land separating Panama and Colombia is called the Darien...

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8 Reasons to Travel to Colombia, South America

Despite what the U.S. government warns about Americans traveling to Colombia, it’s really a prime destination. Perhaps because these warnings prevent many travelers from going, it’s a relatively untouched paradise, where the track has yet to be beaten. Not only does it boast lush landscapes and a tropical climate, but also an ample amount of both adventure and relaxation for every traveler to enjoy.    1. The Activities     Wh...

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Travel Around Guyana, South America

Guyana, South America, where the Caribbean meets Amazonia in a fascinating blending of cultures. Steeped in British and Dutch influence, a place largely unexplored invites you to experience its diverse environment through savannah, jungle, and coastal excursions.    CULTURAL TIPS AND TRAVEL ADVICE English is the official language of the Co-operate Republic of Guyana, but most locals speak with a creole twist. The majority of Guyanese ar...

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