Travel Abroad – Train Journeys of Asia

FIVE EXCITING RAIL JOURNEYS THROUGH ASIA. Come on a romantic holiday by train, journeying through ancient lands with awe inspiring landscapes. Experience the diverse cultures of Mongolia, Malaysia, Thailand, Burma, Japan and China, as the clickety clack of the train rolling on the tracks takes you back in time to when this mode of transport was considered a luxury.   THE CULTURAL TRANS MONGOLIAN A tour that leaves from Hong Kong can only be ...

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Shoulder Season Around the World

We all eagerly look forward to holiday time, when we get a break from work or school and get the chance to head off somewhere exotic. So when the time to get out of cold winter for the holiday season and head to more tropical locations, upon arrival you will quickly realize that you were not the only person who had an escape plan to Hawaii or Tahiti. Summer holidays are also a popular time for travel as families can head out together and enjoy va...

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  10585 Hits

Work Hard, Play Hard in Japan

All around Japan, the work culture is a convoluted web of bureaucracy with a set hierarchy of most important person in the room to lowly peon. That said, when your work throws a work party (better known as an enkai), all of that goes out the window. You’ll get to see your coworkers in a whole new light, including your tight-lipped boss and the lady who serves you green tea every morning.    How do I get invited and how much will it cost...

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Language Study in Japan

The “Land of the Rising Sun”, Japan is an ancient culture and country that is just waiting to be explored. With some of the most powerful and extensive multinational businesses in the world, learning Japanese could be very useful to your future career prospects. Not only will you be able to visit fascinating temples, wander bustling metropolises, and even perhaps hike mountains, you will be able to make lifelong friends from around the world...

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  5220 Hits

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