Basic Information
Institution Name:
New Heaven Reef Conservation Program
Institution Type:
Company (0-10 employees)
Current Timezone:
Institution description:
The marine conservation courses at the New Heaven Reef Conservation Program are designed to teach divers how to interact with the marine environment in a positive way, contribute to reef research, manage local reefs, and work on coral restoration or protection projects with professionals that have been working in the field for more than a decade. Students of the program range from divers interested in learning something new or getting involved in volunteer activities on their holiday, to university students conducting PhD and Masters degree thesis projects.

Through our marine conservation courses, students gain hand-on experience in coral reef ecology, research, protection, and restoration. Our courses run Monday through Friday, from 9:30 am until about 4:30 pm. The morning starts with a lecture that will contextualize day's activity (see project list below), then we prepare the equipment and materials for the afternoon dive. Next the team heads out to the sea to work on the day’s project, generally with one long dive of about 60-120 minutes. After the dive we spend a short time discussing the topics learned or entering the data collected.

The unique location and situation on Koh Tao provides the perfect location to learn about coral reefs and the marine environment, and our school has a variety of learning options to choose from. Whether you just want to spend a day or two learning about what we do or want to spend a month actively participating in real projects or get certified as a research diver, we can accommodate you.
Institution Address:
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