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Spanish Beginners Course

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Program Description

Beginner Spanish 1 (autumn term) is taken over the course of ten weeks, with two contact hours per week. Complete beginners of Spanish are given a solid foundation in all four language skills.

This new course is aimed at introducing complete beginners to Spanish, which is not only the dominant language in Spain but also a major world language.

With the exception of English and Chinese, Spanish has the greatest number of speakers of any language, with an estimated 500 million, making Spanish a giant in the realm of languages. In the United Kingdom, Spanish language learning comes third after German and French while in the United States, students studying Spanish outnumber all other foreign language learning.


Students will be able to communicate in everyday conversations

What`s Included

The course is taught mainly in Spanish from the outset and includes coverage of the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, with a good balance between understanding the systems of Spanish grammar and vocabulary, developing the skills of comprehending and producing Spanish in speech and writing, guided practice in language usage and use and authentic communicative activities. Class size is limited to fifteen to allow intensive interactive practice with individual feedback and advice on progress.

Program Locations

London, United Kingdom

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Program Details

SOAS, University of London
  • United Kingdom: London
1 year+
School Term:
Academic Year

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