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Master Interior Design - Master of First Level

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Program Description

The Master programme is open to graduate students in Architecture, Design and Engineering who intend to deepen their own qualification up to the level of details and in interior and architecture.

Some Workshops deal with specific themes of interior architecture. Each project is organized with the collaboration of a client, who simulates a real professional condition with the presentation of a precise project program and a final verification of the workshop results. Besides delivering the widening program, the specialized teaching contributes directly in the activity of the workshops developing parts of the project to which it particularly refers.
ISAD Interior Design Master is under sponsorship of Milan’ Architects Order.

During the course, all students will make an internship in a Firm or Architecture Studio, completely provided by ISAD.


1. The master is accredited by E.A.B.H.E.S.
2. Participants will earn a European Degree that is equivalent to 60 ECTS credits.
3. The workshops link theoretical lessons with laboratory work.
4. The program includes integrated guided visits to work sites, exhibitions, firms, cultural activities, and historic buildings.
5. The course includes one internship with a firm or an Architecture studio.

What`s Included

- Master European Interior Design
- 1500 hours course
- 60 ECTS credits
- Stage

Degree Course

Interior Design

Program Locations

Milan, Italy

Overall rating 
Program Administration
Living Conditions
Cultural Immersion
Social Life
Health and Safety
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Program Details

ISAD - Istituto Superiore di Architettura e Design
  • Italy: Milan
School Term:
Academic Year
Degree Level:
Masters Degree
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