Our Reviews

Participant Reviews

Great summer in Singapore

I’ve always been interested in Asian Culture and the food, I decided to do my internship in Singapore as I believe it’s the melting pot of Asia. My goal when starting this internship was to learn and gain experience also to get a bit of traveling done, Singapore is in the best location for this. Flights to Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam will only take a few hours. Singapore also has great food, and it was very clean. The people were very nice and helpful, I’ve never felt so safe before in my life. Transportation was very easy to use but the taxis were horrible, also Singapore has very random laws. Great weather was amazing for the first week then it was nothing but rain. I really enjoyed my time in Singapore and made a ton of new friends, learned a lot about working life in Asia. Would I recommend it to everybody no, but for the people who are looking for a challenge Singapore is the perfect place to start!
Overall rating 
Program Administration
Living Conditions
Cultural Immersion
Social Life
Health and Safety

Great time in HK with AIP

I haven’t had the best of luck with internship service providers - I was disappointed once by a similar company which I don’t particularly want to mention because I think it would be in bad taste as I have already left an honest review on their page. Needless to say I was wary of AIP when I applied but I was desperate (If I failed to get an internship I would be forced to remain in Uni for the semester while the rest of my course did their internships abroad). I am really delighted I took the plunge with AIP because I wouldn’t have found an internship for this time otherwise - I had a great few months in HK. Aside from it being a major hub for finance in Asia it’s also a really lively and bright city, I recommend going to a rooftop bar at least once just for the view alone (maybe not every weekend as they are super expensive - for normal night out we just went to Temple Street Night Market,, easier on the walet)! I study Investment Banking but I aimed to get a general finance internship as I know that I have no practical experience yet and won’t actually be of any help to an IB firm, I loved my internship but found the language barrier difficult at times as the other interns in that particular company (there were 2 others) had only ok English so it was hard for me to make friends with them but I was buddies with some of the other AIP interns located in HK at the time so we met up most weekends. All in all I am really thankful for the opportunity to go to Hong Kong when I thought I wasn’t going to get the chance! It’s an amazing place and an amazing experience!
Overall rating 
Program Administration
Living Conditions
Cultural Immersion
Social Life
Health and Safety

My Thailand Internship

You can't go wrong with Thailand as an internship destination. Great weather, great food and great travel. I got to see the island beaches, mountain ranges and rice fields. It's also more affordable than doing an internship there compared to many 1st world cities. The company I worked at had many international staff so I never like an outsider. It was a bit hard to get used to Thai customs. I didn't like how indirect sometimes people were and it was frustrating to deal with. Thankfully, people helped me adapt, but it was hard in the beginning. I missed my friends and family over the holidays. The time difference made it hard to and it was a bit lonely since it was hard to call them with the time difference. Though I enjoyed the internship, would have been fun if I had a friend to join me. I made a lot of travel plans so I didn't see the other AIP interns much. I definitely want to come back here and hit the beaches again!
Overall rating 
Program Administration
Living Conditions
Cultural Immersion
Social Life
Health and Safety

Learning about hospitality in Singapore

I found AIP through facebook, one of my friends tagged me in a post about marketing in Singapore, which didn’t related to my field of study but I wanted to investigate anyway because living in Singapore has been a goal of mine for the past year. If you have a look at their website you can see that you can kind of build your own internship, pick the destination, pick the industry and pick the duration so when I realised that hospitality was one the available industries I applied. A few weeks after that I had an interview with a hotel and a few weeks after that I was in Singapore. One of my modules in Uni is Business Chinese which I thought I would be needing more than I actually did, I had heard that most Singaporeans are bilingual but I wasn’t expecting to hear the locals speaking English amongst themselves, I still can’t make up my mind if I’m happy or disappointed about that. I don’t think I really improve my Chinese language skills but I really enjoyed my time in the hotel and I think I got a lot out of it :) I’m glad I picked Singapore for this because they really seem to adhere to strict standards which is best for learning the ropes! Back in Aberdeen we don’t really have majorly classy hotels so I would have had a much more relaxed time of it! I am pretty impressed with AIP’s service but I would have liked more frequent check-ups as opposed to every 3 weeks or but that’s not a major complaint as when i reached out they were pretty responsive! Singapore is a class and unique country and this confirmed my yearning to relocate there after graduation or ideally pursue my Masters there! Ace place!
Overall rating 
Program Administration
Living Conditions
Cultural Immersion
Social Life
Health and Safety

Chinese language immersion

Nowadays, learning Chinese and doing Chinese marketing become a global trendy, it makes many people started to learn Mandarin included me so I decided to have an internship in China. Before finding AIP I have lots of doubt for the internship in China, like visa apply, accommodation, language barrier…etc. Until I contact with my AIP consultant Fred, he helped me to deal with all of apply process and match the great internship company and accommodation before I arrived in China. During the internship, I met lots of nice Chinese colleges on work and it did improve my Mandarin speaking because we always hang out after work, I’m really appreciated AIP provide this great internship opportunity to me and makes me have a unmemorable journey in here.
Overall rating 
Program Administration
Living Conditions
Cultural Immersion
Social Life
Health and Safety

Awesome time in Hong Kong!

My internship in Hong Kong was nothing but AWESOME! The big city never sleeps, and there is always something to do. The food was amazing, and I think I have a new found forever love with crispy pork over rice! The internship itself was great and I think I’ve learnt a lot from my experiences. Hopefully I’ll one day be able to come back to Hong Kong either for work or travel. I recommend to everyone to use AIP if you are looking to intern abroad in Asia. Their 24/7 emergency service was very helpful for when I first moved to Hong Kong and had absolutely no idea what I was doing or where I was going. They’re really friendly and never seemed to minded answering any of my questions and worries! Their process is super easy, and finding an internship was so quick with their services! But not only did they find me ANY internship, they found me a GREAT internship! I had so much fun. I honestly don’t think I would have been able to find the perfect internship for me if I were to try to find an internship in Hong Kong myself. AIP somehow was able to find a company that fit me and my needs perfectly.
Overall rating 
Program Administration
Living Conditions
Cultural Immersion
Social Life
Health and Safety

Graphic Design internship in Tokyo

Moving to Japan after graduation has been a long-term goal of mine for a few years now, I have been attempting to teach myself the language for about a year too! So granted for QMUL's cooperative education module I was dead-set on coming to Japan. I stumbled across the AIP website looking for internships on Google, I applied without thinking much of it - I was kind of blindly applying to everything I came across - and gladly accepted the interview when I was invited. The interview itself was fairly informal and it gave me the chance to ask any questions I had about the program. The only disappointing this for me is that AIP does not offer accommodation in Japan so I had to find my own but I was given guidance on this so it's wasn't too bad in the end! As for Japan itself, this experience has just solidified in my mind that I want to live here even more! I'm obsessed with the food here, Japanese curry back at home just doesn't quite compare to the real thing! I wish I could have stayed longer to explore more because I only really got the chance to see Tokyo and Osaka, both lovely but I want more. On to the internship, I study Computer Science but my favorite modules to date have all been related to graphic design - I was placed in a tiny graphic design startup just out of Shibuya (the main shopping area) which could be a bit hectic at rush hour but I loved it! I was tasked with creating social media banners for other startup clients and some promotional material too. I was glad to be given some real responsibility as I think it's strengthened my portfolio a lot but it was a bit stressful at times - learned a lot on the job. *I actually completed my internship in 2018 but I was not allowed to select that option Overall, I adored my time in Japan and it was well worth applying through AIP to get me there!
Overall rating 
Program Administration
Living Conditions
Cultural Immersion
Social Life
Health and Safety

Best internship experience ever

Before I found AIP, I spent lots of time searching for the internship opportunities and the great provider Its easy to find lots of provider or agency program online but its hard to find the one you really satisfied I was going to give up find a market internship until my friend recommend me her internship programs by AIP Beside helping me to match the perfect internship, AIP teams are really nice, friendly and patient to answer me all of the questions before the internship started. For the whole journey of the internship, I met lots of great colleague who are willing to teach me on work, they treat me as a friend and we even hang out together in the weekend to explore the some spot I'm glad that I choose AIP as my internship provider, they not only offer the good internship but also take care of the interns live If any friends want to find internship I would like to recommend them AIP to be their first choice !
Overall rating 
Program Administration
Living Conditions
Cultural Immersion
Social Life
Health and Safety

My internship was a blast but the greatest thing was the food

Look, I'll be honest, I joined this program having a lot of doubts. I didn't knew the company and I could not find many information about them but I was tight on my university timeline and I had to do an internship to get the credits. I contacted AIP and made an application, Ken (that if I'm not wrong is the Director) guided me through the various possibilities that they could offer me. I was looking for an IT internship and the company where the placed me was great, I interned during the Crypto boom and they placed me in an ICO company in Korea. The team was great and welcomed me since day one (even if actually we had some language problem at the beginning). Days passed by and I had the chance to experience the great Korean food, seriousy, a blast I loved it (except for the kimchi that is weird IMHO), also the nightlife is crazy gangnam is crazy and I met tons of very cool peoples. What to say... Thanks AIP for this great opportunity!
Overall rating 
Program Administration
Living Conditions
Cultural Immersion
Social Life
Health and Safety
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