Basic Information
Institution Name:
International Gateway Kelowna
Institution Type:
Company (0-10 employees)
Current Timezone:
Institution description:
International Gateway Kelowna (IGK) is Canadian owned and operated and is Kelowna's oldest and most trusted English as a Second Language (ESL) school established in 2002.

IGK is a member of the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association, Kelowna-Kasugai Sister City Association and the Downtown Kelowna Business Association.

International Gateway Kelowna is not only a well respected school, it is also a vibrant, friendly and exciting place to learn English. Students are encouraged to strive for excellence, immerse themselves in a new culture, enrich their minds, try new challenges and build bonds and memories that will last a lifetime. Highly qualified teachers and staff are carefully chosen for their professionalism, integrity and exceptional customer service skills. The school's motto is "REAL ENGLISH, REAL FUN, REAL CANADA".

IGK's upscale campus is centrally located within easy walking distance of attractions, entertainment venues, boutiques, restaurants, transportation and beaches.

The school offers full and part time ESL classes, TESOL certificates, Volunteer Placements and specialty ESL Action Camps for adults and youth. Practical ESL programs begin weekly for ages 15 and up.

International Gateway Kelowna is honoured to have been awarded best language school in Canada by iStudy for 2016/17
Institution Address:
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