How to Teach and Travel the World

Traveling the world has gone from a pipe dream to a reality for so many. You don't, after all, have to save up beforehand and live off of money in your bank account when you go. With new tech and the power of the internet and our personal computers, you can work remotely and on the go. Globalization has also put more emphasis on citizens around the world learning the lingua franca, which at this point, and for the foreseeable future, is English, though China's increasing influence on global trade might change this down the line.

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Study Less, Comprehend More: One Terrible Mistake You Make When Learning Languages

There are four main skills that a language learner is trying to master: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. For most people, speaking is the main focus. They try to connect with native speakers, so they could practice what they've learned. They read because they want to learn more words, so they could speak. They write because they want to get more confident in grammar and word use, so they could speak better. As for the listening and comprehension part, that's when things get messy.

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5 Great Tips for Negotiating a Higher Salary as an ESL Teacher

 After considering all of your options for teaching abroad, you have a potential employer interested in your CV. It is a great place to work and you love the area in China where they would like to place you. But what about the salary? Teaching abroad comes with an array of perks but can also present some new challenges. The last thing you want...

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