Helping to set up womens empowerment groups in India

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Program Description

The aim of this project is to support the local NGO founder in the creation of women`s empowerment projects in the rural villages outside Bangalore. He has been working with the women in these areas in order to uplift them and help them find their way in the world with what tools they have. So ideally you need to have confidence in communicating with others, be prepared to live with a local family, and if possible be able to look at the problems they face provide an idea from the western world and then adapt it to work inside the Indian culture. You will be working side by side with the women, teaching them basic English, Maths and computers or any other subject that you can help (please talk with us before going out there as we can tell you if your idea could work or not) them improve their lives.
One of the things always needed are medical qualifications even basic first aid as its something every women in India will use in their lives.


The highlights must be living with a rural family and seeing how other people live, working side by side with these women and gaining an understanding of their problems, culture and traditions. Secondary it will be that you will see parts of India that tourists dont see and meet people who will be happy to see you are helping their community instead of putting money into businesses as a tourist.


Qualifications are dependant of you, if you have just the basic in terms of English, maths, sciences etc then we can use you in various projects helping the women. If your qualifications are more specialized in terms of teaching,. medical etc then please tell us as we can use these skills in other parts of the programme. So on your application please state what you can do and we will make sure that they are put to use.

Volunteer Types

What`s Included

In the price everything is included from the airport pick up through to food lodgings and transportation to and from the village. Ideally you will be placed with a local family who provide you with three meals a day, these will be rural Indian variety so prepare for spicy food, rice and chapitis (local bread). So al you will effectively need is spending money for extras like chocolate, coke, and other such luxuries.

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Program Locations

Bangalore, India

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Living Conditions
Cultural Immersion
Social Life
Health and Safety
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Program Details

Mina`s Dream
  • India: Bangalore
Throughout the year
Program Duration:
1-3 months, 2-4 weeks
$18 per day

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