
Overall rating: 9 based on 10 reviews

Program Description

We are looking for young and creative professionals to teach English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in our language centres throughout the Russian Federation. The Teacher-Intern programme is designed for those who do not have an officially recognized TEFL certificate. This is a great opportunity for those who would like international work experience, who would like to pursue a career in teaching or international education, or for those who have an interest in living in Russia. Teachers are allocated their own classes and teach students of all ages and levels, from beginner to advanced and young learners to adults. All teachers work roughly 30 academic hours (45 minutes = 1 academic hour) per week. They are also occasionally asked to administer Cambridge English Exams as well as conduct student level testing. Teaching English as a Teacher-Intern through Language Link provides new teachers opportunities to develop teaching skills, attain professional certification and experience a full range of EFL teaching possibilities and settings.


This is a great opportunity for first-time teachers to learn how to become official EFL teachers. Teachers also earn an official TEFL certificate upon completion of the program. Additionally, for those who are interested in learning Russian language or continue their studies of Russian, this position can help you get to Russia, obtain a work visa and the legal right to work in Russia as well as spend many hours at a language school speaking both Russian and English. For those who would like to take Russian lessons, Interns are offered an employee discount on all Russian language lessons.


Person requirements:
- Time management skills
- Creativity and an outgoing nature
- Professionalism
- Must be a native English speaker and a citizen of the UK, Ireland, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand or South Africa

Internship Types


What`s Included

The Teacher-Intern programme starts employees with a beginning salary of 25,000 roubles per month, in addition to a free, one-month in-house TEFL training course. All Teacher-Interns are eligible for 2 incremental pay raises after positive performance assessments. Additionally, upon completion of the contract, they will receive an internationally recognised TEFL certificate.
All Language Link employees are offered a benefits package consisting of taxes paid on their behalf to the Russian government, basic health insurance coverage, shared accommodation, paid holiday, and discounted Russian lessons (subject to availability). Upon completion of their contract, all employees are provided with a reimbursement for their flight and visa costs.

Program Locations

Moscow, Russia

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Program Details

Language Link
  • Russia: Moscow
Throughout the year
6-12 months
American, Australian, Canadian, European, Kiwi, South African

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  • Dear applicants, we encourage you to leave a personal review if you have ever taken part in this program. Leaving a review will help fellow travelers to decide where to go and which program to go with as they plan their trip abroad.
    Review this program
    This program was great. The trainers were helpful. I would recommend this program. It is a great way to begin your teaching career. The school is located in Moscow. People who do the program learn a lot.
    Avatar Harry Collier IV

    A Great Program

    Review by: Harry Collier IV , On: 07 Apr 2015, Changed On: 07 Apr 2015 |
    This program was great. The trainers were helpful. I would recommend this program. It is a great way to begin your teaching career. The school is located in Moscow. People who do the program learn a lot.
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    I entered the Intern Training Program (ITP) in August 2014. I studied Russian language and culture at university, and I wanted to improve my Russian while getting teaching experience during a gap year before grad school. Language Link is everything that they claim to be: helpful, knowledgeable, and most of all, professional. During the ITP, I always was confident that I was being given the tools to handle my own classroom. After a year of teaching, I know that to be the case. I was terrified coming into the program. I didn't feel confident in my knowledge of English grammar, and I was panic-stricken at the thought of being responsible for furthering others' knowledge of English. However, after the ITP, I was confident I could handle it. Here at Language Link, they really do teach you to teach. If you are having a difficult time, they are always available to help out. I've never felt on my own here. At the end of my contract, I expect to receive my TEFL certificate, and head back to the US, knowing that the skills I have learned here I can always use wherever I go if I'm in need of employment. I very much enjoyed my year of teaching, and if the opportunity presents itself after I finish grad school, I will consider returning to Language Link if they will have me.

    In summary, Language Link is a great company that gives you the tools to become a fantastic EFL teacher depending on the effort you put into it. If you're considering starting an EFL career, need work experience, or just want to experience Russia, Language Link is a great place to do all of these things.
    Avatar Brian Selman

    Language Link: A Great Place to Teach English

    Review by: Brian Selman , On: 02 Apr 2015, Changed On: 02 Apr 2015 | Yes, I would recommend this program
    I entered the Intern Training Program (ITP) in August 2014. I studied Russian language and culture at university, and I wanted to improve my Russian while getting teaching experience during a gap year before grad school. Language Link is everything that they claim to be: helpful, knowledgeable, and most of all, professional. During the ITP, I always was confident that I was being given the tools to handle my own classroom. After a year of teaching, I know that to be the case. I was terrified coming into the program. I didn't feel confident in my knowledge of English grammar, and I was panic-stricken at the thought of being responsible for furthering others' knowledge of English. However, after the ITP, I was confident I could handle it. Here at Language Link, they really do teach you to teach. If you are having a difficult time, they are always available to help out. I've never felt on my own here. At the end of my contract, I expect to receive my TEFL certificate, and head back to the US, knowing that the skills I have learned here I can always use wherever I go if I'm in need of employment. I very much enjoyed my year of teaching, and if the opportunity presents itself after I finish grad school, I will consider returning to Language Link if they will have me.

    In summary, Language Link is a great company that gives you the tools to become a fantastic EFL teacher depending on the effort you put into it. If you're considering starting an EFL career, need work experience, or just want to experience Russia, Language Link is a great place to do all of these things.
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    I started the Language Link Intern program in 2011. I am from New Zealand so It was a big decision time and money-wise to make the move to Russia, But after working here for four years I can quite honestly say it was worth every cent and every second of the nearly two days travel to get here.
    The Internship was a great way to start learning the ins and outs of teaching and the practical teaching experience prepared me well for my first real class. I spent two years teaching In Company and for the last two years I have been teaching at the Central school in Moscow. I have continued my professional development by undertaking the Trinity TESOL Diploma. The senior management and my colleagues at Language Link have all been of tremendous help supporting and motivating me to carry on expanding my knowledge of teaching English as a second language. There are endless ways to advance your teaching career and Director of Studies (DOS) is always more than happy to help teachers achieve their goals. My goal this year is to complete my TESOL Diploma and to take the Cambridge Examiner course.
    I highly recommend the Internship Program and for my fellow New Zealanders and Australians the beers great, the vodkas better, the nightlife is brilliant and the lifestyle isn't as different as you would think.
    Avatar Russell Faulkner

    Internship 2011

    Review by: Russell Faulkner , On: 28 Mar 2015, Changed On: 28 Mar 2015 | Yes, I would recommend this program
    I started the Language Link Intern program in 2011. I am from New Zealand so It was a big decision time and money-wise to make the move to Russia, But after working here for four years I can quite honestly say it was worth every cent and every second of the nearly two days travel to get here.
    The Internship was a great way to start learning the ins and outs of teaching and the practical teaching experience prepared me well for my first real class. I spent two years teaching In Company and for the last two years I have been teaching at the Central school in Moscow. I have continued my professional development by undertaking the Trinity TESOL Diploma. The senior management and my colleagues at Language Link have all been of tremendous help supporting and motivating me to carry on expanding my knowledge of teaching English as a second language. There are endless ways to advance your teaching career and Director of Studies (DOS) is always more than happy to help teachers achieve their goals. My goal this year is to complete my TESOL Diploma and to take the Cambridge Examiner course.
    I highly recommend the Internship Program and for my fellow New Zealanders and Australians the beers great, the vodkas better, the nightlife is brilliant and the lifestyle isn't as different as you would think.
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    I had no experience of teaching before I started the programme at Language Link and I remember feeling really nervous about standing in front of a class. The supportive atmosphere of the LL course really helped me to deal with my nerves and got me comfortable in front of a room full of people straight away. Throughout the course the tutors provided us with detailed instruction on teaching methods for different age and level groups so I felt really well prepared to tackle any challenges that came up. The grammar instruction was also great and I felt that I really understood the structure of the English Language well and how to explain it to others in a digestable way. All in all it was a really great way to start as a teacher and I whole-heartedly recommend the experience to anyone interested in this career path.
    Avatar Claire

    Kick start your career!

    Review by: Claire , On: 24 Mar 2015, Changed On: 24 Mar 2015 | Yes, I would recommend this program
    I had no experience of teaching before I started the programme at Language Link and I remember feeling really nervous about standing in front of a class. The supportive atmosphere of the LL course really helped me to deal with my nerves and got me comfortable in front of a room full of people straight away. Throughout the course the tutors provided us with detailed instruction on teaching methods for different age and level groups so I felt really well prepared to tackle any challenges that came up. The grammar instruction was also great and I felt that I really understood the structure of the English Language well and how to explain it to others in a digestable way. All in all it was a really great way to start as a teacher and I whole-heartedly recommend the experience to anyone interested in this career path.
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    I took the Intern Training Program in August 2010 and I found it to be some of the most helpful and insightful training that I'd ever had. The trainers were friendly and always available. However, this was not limited to academic support, they also seemed to understand what it's like to come to a new country for the first time and helped out with everyday things as well. Everything from insurance to lodgings (which were clean and comfortable) to transfer from the airport was taken care of for me.

    I've been working with Language Link for nearly five years now and I can honestly say that I've never had a problem with either the company or life in Russia.
    Avatar Michael Schmitz

    A Great Place to Work

    Review by: Michael Schmitz , On: 17 Mar 2015, Changed On: 17 Mar 2015 | Yes, I would recommend this program
    I took the Intern Training Program in August 2010 and I found it to be some of the most helpful and insightful training that I'd ever had. The trainers were friendly and always available. However, this was not limited to academic support, they also seemed to understand what it's like to come to a new country for the first time and helped out with everyday things as well. Everything from insurance to lodgings (which were clean and comfortable) to transfer from the airport was taken care of for me.

    I've been working with Language Link for nearly five years now and I can honestly say that I've never had a problem with either the company or life in Russia.
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    I entered the Language Link Intern program in 2011. It was a very unique combination of professional development, social experience, and cultural immersion. As far as the training goes, it starts off immediately and by your second week you're planning lessons and teaching classes. It was excellent preparation to enter the classroom. The administration is excellent. They take care of all of your living arrangements and help you solve any problems immediately. You are also quickly immersed into the Russian lifestyle with plenty of opportunity to practice (or develop) your language skills and learn about Russian culture. Furthermore, the people I met during this program are some of my closest friends today.
    Avatar Allison

    Language Link Intern Program

    Review by: Allison , On: 17 Mar 2015, Changed On: 17 Mar 2015 | Yes, I would recommend this program
    I entered the Language Link Intern program in 2011. It was a very unique combination of professional development, social experience, and cultural immersion. As far as the training goes, it starts off immediately and by your second week you're planning lessons and teaching classes. It was excellent preparation to enter the classroom. The administration is excellent. They take care of all of your living arrangements and help you solve any problems immediately. You are also quickly immersed into the Russian lifestyle with plenty of opportunity to practice (or develop) your language skills and learn about Russian culture. Furthermore, the people I met during this program are some of my closest friends today.
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    You have to work really hard, but there's no question that you learn a lot. The program is very hands-on. You start designing lesson plans and teaching actual students from the second week. The best part is the amount of support available. Not only are the trainers experienced teachers who take the time to help you plan, but the other trainees can work together as well. There is also plenty of additional resource material that helps supplement the lessons and make them more interesting.
    Avatar Josh

    An excellent introduction

    Review by: Josh , On: 16 Mar 2015, Changed On: 16 Mar 2015 | Yes, I would recommend this program
    You have to work really hard, but there's no question that you learn a lot. The program is very hands-on. You start designing lesson plans and teaching actual students from the second week. The best part is the amount of support available. Not only are the trainers experienced teachers who take the time to help you plan, but the other trainees can work together as well. There is also plenty of additional resource material that helps supplement the lessons and make them more interesting.
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    I started the Intern Program in 2012 and am coming to the end of my third year with Language Link. In my opinion Language Link is a great employer: the training program was excellent; the staff are friendly, helpful, and competent; the perks are good (reimbursements of flights, health insurance, etc) and the fact that accommodation and visas are taken care of is another added bonus.

    Language Link are a very competent company and the process is very smooth, from the visa application to the training program itself. The ITP is quite an intense month as the program is quite comprehensive, but in the long run, that definitely helped my teaching and you have a whole community of other interns and teachers to help you out.

    In short, I would definitely recommend this program to anyone looking to getting into EFL or wanting to come to Russia to work.
    Avatar Emily Malyon-Roberts

    Language Link Intern Program

    Review by: Emily Malyon-Roberts , On: 16 Mar 2015, Changed On: 16 Mar 2015 | Yes, I would recommend this program
    I started the Intern Program in 2012 and am coming to the end of my third year with Language Link. In my opinion Language Link is a great employer: the training program was excellent; the staff are friendly, helpful, and competent; the perks are good (reimbursements of flights, health insurance, etc) and the fact that accommodation and visas are taken care of is another added bonus.

    Language Link are a very competent company and the process is very smooth, from the visa application to the training program itself. The ITP is quite an intense month as the program is quite comprehensive, but in the long run, that definitely helped my teaching and you have a whole community of other interns and teachers to help you out.

    In short, I would definitely recommend this program to anyone looking to getting into EFL or wanting to come to Russia to work.
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    I started in Language Link in 2012 and the experience was overwhelmingly positive. Through the teacher-intern program I was well-prepared to begin a teaching career in Russia. When I started working, I was treated fairly and was often given awards and bonuses beyond the minimum offered by the contract. My free time and time off were respected and any requests I made were taken seriously and often accommodated. I was able to meet many new people, the social life was excellent, and I had many opportunities to learn Russian language and meet Russian people.

    As for advice, all I can say is try to keep an open mind, trust the company, try hard and respect your colleagues and students and you will have a great experience.
    Avatar The Scorpion

    Language Link Teacher Intern Program

    Review by: The Scorpion , On: 04 Feb 2015, Changed On: 04 Feb 2015 | Yes, I would recommend this program
    I started in Language Link in 2012 and the experience was overwhelmingly positive. Through the teacher-intern program I was well-prepared to begin a teaching career in Russia. When I started working, I was treated fairly and was often given awards and bonuses beyond the minimum offered by the contract. My free time and time off were respected and any requests I made were taken seriously and often accommodated. I was able to meet many new people, the social life was excellent, and I had many opportunities to learn Russian language and meet Russian people.

    As for advice, all I can say is try to keep an open mind, trust the company, try hard and respect your colleagues and students and you will have a great experience.
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    I entered the internship program at Language Link in September of 2013 having never been to Russia. The training program was really great! The staff are very committed to helping you become a good teacher and, while the initial month of training is a bit intense, the skills they teach you are extremely useful in every day teaching. The community at Language Link is probably the best part of the whole experience. You bond very quickly with your fellow interns as you explore the little challenges and eccentricities of becoming accustomed to life in Russia. The experienced teachers and the directors of studies are always on hand to offer support and suggestions as well.

    After the intern program, I signed on for a second year for Language Link and, now half way through my second year, I'm signing on for a third. My accommodations are comfortable and not far from school, I have health insurance, and I genuinely love my job. Everyone's experience teaching in Russia is different, but if you have the right mindset it's a fantastic adventure! I'm very proud to be part of the Language Link community and very thankful that I get to spend every day doing something I love.
    Avatar Katie Pelton

    A great place to work!

    Review by: Katie Pelton , On: 30 Jan 2015, Changed On: 30 Jan 2015 | Yes, I would recommend this program
    I entered the internship program at Language Link in September of 2013 having never been to Russia. The training program was really great! The staff are very committed to helping you become a good teacher and, while the initial month of training is a bit intense, the skills they teach you are extremely useful in every day teaching. The community at Language Link is probably the best part of the whole experience. You bond very quickly with your fellow interns as you explore the little challenges and eccentricities of becoming accustomed to life in Russia. The experienced teachers and the directors of studies are always on hand to offer support and suggestions as well.

    After the intern program, I signed on for a second year for Language Link and, now half way through my second year, I'm signing on for a third. My accommodations are comfortable and not far from school, I have health insurance, and I genuinely love my job. Everyone's experience teaching in Russia is different, but if you have the right mindset it's a fantastic adventure! I'm very proud to be part of the Language Link community and very thankful that I get to spend every day doing something I love.
    Overall rating 
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