HelpGoAbroad - Blog

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Have an Exam Period? Find Out How to Combine It with Usual College

Ask any student what the hardest part of the semester is, and they'll probably tell say finals week and midterms. That only makes sense. After all, there isn't anything quite as stressful as being tested on a semester's worth of information.

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How to Find a High-Paying Job For Students Abroad

Getting the best summer jobs for college students abroad is possible with the right information and guidance. Sometimes allowance from mom and dad might not just be enough, and you need to make some extra cash to fund leisure activities, travel and foot some extra bills. If you have been contemplating the idea of working while studying, don't think it's weird, a lot of other international student take up employment during their studies. You can get this job during summer break or even as a normal after school past time.

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How NIH & RO1 Grants Have Contributed Medical Advancements

The National Institute of Health is the leading funding source for medical and biological sciences in the United States. The current NIH's yearly budget is a little over $33 billion dollars, and most of it is directed towards funding medical researches across the country.

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NIH-SBIR Grants Support Neuron Reconstruction and 3-D Brain Mapping

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has been leading the battle against illnesses by funding thousands of biomedical research projects. It has made progress in many different sectors such as cancer, mental illnesses, heart disease, and numerous other health concerns.

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What to Look for in Living Arrangements When Studying Abroad

It is becoming increasingly popular to study abroad, at least for one term, and that is why so many students are concerned with finding the right living arrangements. Few really want to live in campus dorms, so they seek residential arrangements off campus. If you are currently looking at studying in Portugal, for example, you want the best student accommodation Portugal has to offer.

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How Students Can Save Money Abroad

If you're a student or the parent of a student preparing for a trip abroad, chances are you've read up on all of the basic money-saving tips. You know to be mindful of exchange rates, to keep cash stored in several places rather than just one, and to try not to have to withdraw much money at foreign ATMs that will have significant fees.

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NIH and RO1 Grants and Their Contribution to Medical Advancements

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is by far the leading funding source for medical and biological research in the United States. If you search the NIH Grant database its current yearly budget is ~ $33 billion dollars, with 82% directed towards "extramural" funding of over 300,000 medical researchers, at over 2500 research institutions, across the country.

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How to Write a Successful Biomedical Grant Application

The problem. A research proposal is basically a plan for work required to test a research hypothesis/set of hypotheses. The most important thing to keep in mind is that, when drafting a biomedical research grant proposal, you are required to tailor it to suit a specific audience (i.e., grant application reviewers).  In academic research settin...

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“Do My Assignment” Services at The Effectiveness for ESL Students

The curriculum is overwhelming for almost all students nowadays. They receive heaps of home assignments daily. It doesn't matter what your academic level is. Occasionally, you might need to use some quality assignment help from the online agency like It is not easy to browse a reliable site and entrust your academic achievement to it. But this site is one of the best and top-rated online academic writing centers that provide students with top-notch services.

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Tips For Applying To A US Graduate School As An International Student

Many people from across the world dream of going to an American graduate school. The good news is that it is possible for international students to study abroad in these schools and many manage to do it every year. In this guide, we are going to give you some tips on applying to a US graduate school as an international student. Make sure to keep re...

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