Paid Internship - Teach English in Thailand

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Program Description

Our Paid Internship program is held twice per year, just before the school semesters in Thailand begin in late April and early October. We begin with a two week, full-time teacher essentials training course. This program also includes two-weeks lodging at a nearby resort-style accommodation.

After the two weeks of training, our teachers are placed in rural schools in Northern Thailand, including the provinces of Khampaeng Phet, Utthai Thani, Phayao, Mae Hong Son (on availability), and Nan (on availability). Students cannot choose their school or location, but we do try to suit preferences where possible.

Teaching is a full-time, paid contract (4-5 months). After the internship, our teachers are granted a full TEFL certificate upon completion of an essay which reflects on the previous semester and teaching and training issues (more detail available on our website).


Since 2013 all of our interns have successfully finished their internships and every single one has completed the final essay for a full TEFL certification. We have been lucky to have had a great set of Interns every semester we have held this training and job placement option.


Requirements for Participants of the TEFL Internship

- Physically and mentally fit
- Adaptable and flexible
- University graduate with a recognized bachelor’s degree.
- Between 21 and 50 years of age
- English native speaker
- Passport from Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, United Kingdom, or the United States.
- Police clearance from your home country

Internship Types

English as a Second Language

What`s Included

- 2 Weeks teacher training essentials
- 2 weeks lodging
- Cultural orientation and training
- Thai language lessons (Survival Thai)
- English lesson planning and preparation
- English language needs assessment
- Observed teaching practices
- Grammar review

Program Locations

chiang mai, Thailand

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Program Details

  • Thailand: chiang mai
Fall, Spring
3-6 months
American, Australian, Canadian, European, Kiwi
$ 1,495 USD includes 2 weeks teacher training and lodging + 4-5 month teaching contract

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